Posts tagged “zen producer

Pausing to Exhale


Well….After a long absence, I’m back at my keypad doing what I do best.  Writing.  I have been non-stop movement from a bevy of personal transitions coupled with a steady work load.  In the process, I put my most valuable asset on the back-burner, my writing.  I recently came across a quote by Michael Bernard Beckwith, “When we grasp that our thoughts and actions are energetic movements which create specific results, we understand what creativity is…”   Nothing takes place on the back-burner.  We create our future with every action and thought we make in the present.  Intention and attention.  Are you spending time engaged in activities necessary to bring your goals to fruition?  I know, for me, I get side-tracked on those little tangents sometimes.  And I have to pause, to exhale, and bring my self back to my original intentions.

Don’t get me wrong, 2012 has been a awesome year.  I have accomplished much of what I set out to do.  But the year moved at a frantic pace.  My goal for 2012 is to achieve a sense of flow and balance; to find ease in my schedule and in carving out the focused time I want to simply allow thoughts to emerge, as opposed to being in a constant state of thought…. To create.  To unfold.

So expect much more from the “Zen Producer.”  I look forward to your comments and to a new dialogue.

“This is the Zen approach:  Nothing is there to be done.  There is nothing to do.  One has just to be.  Have a rest and be ordinary and be natural.” -Osho 

Zen Production

This year I decided to put my ideas in the pot for possible inclusion on the 2012 SXSW Film program.  My concept, “Zen Production.”

A young director gifted me with the nickname, “Zen Producer”  because of my emphasis on marrying the  ”right energies’  and on establishing the ‘right vibe’ on my productions.  I shamelessly admit to being a bohemian, hippie with African influences and a Buddha-nature.  But there’s simply nothing like it.  When you have the right combo of collaborators you are free to not only enjoy the work, but to create something better than you ever imagined.  My goal is to share what I have learned with other producers so we can have longevity in this industry (not burn-out) and truly have fun with the work, enjoy the relationships, continually innovate and create value.  So here’s my workshop description:

Film production is intense work requiring thick skin, long hours, talent for communicating, and rigorous management capabilities.  It can be a formula for a heart attack, or fuel for a rewarding and fun career.  As a producer you get to create the creative culture around your productions.  So bringing the right people onto your project is key.  Join this discussion around how to create a culture that reflects your production style, and maximize the creativity and fun.  Learn the tools needed to be the calm-in-the-storm on your productions. Using reality-based production scenarios, participants will have an opportunity to trouble-shoot their response to some of the most common issues that arise with directors, crew, and funding.  Because once we get our break, we want to enjoy the work and the time doing what we love.


  1. How to find the right people for your projects?
  2. How to manage egos and attitudes?
  3. “You’re fired!” How and when to let someone go?
  4. How to prevent burnout?
  5. How to create a culture that reflects your production style?

This workshop is designed for intermediate level producers.

If this sounds good to you, click the link below and give it a cool “thumbs up”!  Your vote helps to ensure inclusion of this dialogue at SXSW 2012.  THE LINK BELOW

Thanks!!  See you in Austin. . . .

“Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom.” -D.T. Suzuki

Conscious Networking

How do we make this work a natural extension of ourselves?  Especially social media.  For those of us who grew up with black and white televisions, not Twitter and iPhones, social networking is a learned behavior.  The old paradigm was to network by presenting a professional front that did not include discussion on politics or personal matters, and you always squeeze in your pitch.   But in a world where consumers and clients are exhausted with being “sold” on concepts and products, they want to be sold on you.  People are putting their money where their consciousness is.  They are more interested in your personality (as an individual or an  entity), the causes you support, the issues you believe are important, whether you’re a dog or a cat person. . .  We’re all looking for reasons to engage, reasons to click the mouse and dig deeper.

The golden rule of ‘zen production’ is it’s gotta be sustainable – something I want to do on a regular basis.  I come to this industry as a writer-journalist.  So sharing insights and cool stories is what I love to do.  But, I’m not always in the mood.  So this week, my goal has been to sink deeper into that authentic space where I can readily access and translate where I am in this journey and what I want to share that can encourage and inform – often in 140 characters or less.

I feel like I’m engaged in an experiment.  The question to be explored:  How does a new and unique commercial production company gain attention and clients using social media?  Hmmm.   Stay tuned. . .

“Your Treasure House is in yourself, it contains all you need.”  -Hui Hai