zen production

Zen Production

This year I decided to put my ideas in the pot for possible inclusion on the 2012 SXSW Film program.  My concept, “Zen Production.”

A young director gifted me with the nickname, “Zen Producer”  because of my emphasis on marrying the  ”right energies’  and on establishing the ‘right vibe’ on my productions.  I shamelessly admit to being a bohemian, hippie with African influences and a Buddha-nature.  But there’s simply nothing like it.  When you have the right combo of collaborators you are free to not only enjoy the work, but to create something better than you ever imagined.  My goal is to share what I have learned with other producers so we can have longevity in this industry (not burn-out) and truly have fun with the work, enjoy the relationships, continually innovate and create value.  So here’s my workshop description:

Film production is intense work requiring thick skin, long hours, talent for communicating, and rigorous management capabilities.  It can be a formula for a heart attack, or fuel for a rewarding and fun career.  As a producer you get to create the creative culture around your productions.  So bringing the right people onto your project is key.  Join this discussion around how to create a culture that reflects your production style, and maximize the creativity and fun.  Learn the tools needed to be the calm-in-the-storm on your productions. Using reality-based production scenarios, participants will have an opportunity to trouble-shoot their response to some of the most common issues that arise with directors, crew, and funding.  Because once we get our break, we want to enjoy the work and the time doing what we love.


  1. How to find the right people for your projects?
  2. How to manage egos and attitudes?
  3. “You’re fired!” How and when to let someone go?
  4. How to prevent burnout?
  5. How to create a culture that reflects your production style?

This workshop is designed for intermediate level producers.

If this sounds good to you, click the link below and give it a cool “thumbs up”!  Your vote helps to ensure inclusion of this dialogue at SXSW 2012.  THE LINK BELOW

Thanks!!  See you in Austin. . . .

“Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom.” -D.T. Suzuki